So I've been doing my damnedest to stay out of blogging entirely during primary season, if for no other reason than there's no way to do so without spontaneously devolving into either a sexist or a racist, and I have no intention of becoming either. Just to give an example of how scared I was of this: I actually had a blog handed to me with a built-in audience, and I abandoned it.
If you actually bought that that's the reason I gave up posting over on MNP, then clearly you're just wandering by. I stopped because I'm fundamentally lazy. Admittedly, I had a damn fine setup there: pre-made audience, receptive bunch to a far-left wacko with an overdeveloped vocabulary. And somehow I never felt like I was saying anything remotely useful. The entire blogosphere has never really been much more than preaching to the choir, and I just felt entirely useless every time I blogged. Articulate hyperlinked kvetching is still ultimately just kvetching. (By the way, I find it hilarious that Blogger is cool with the spelling on "kvetching" but not on "hyperlinked.") And that's what I was doing. Summarizing Frontline, or rephrasing Glennzilla, or something similarly useless.
I really can rationalize, can't I? Goddamn. Simple fact is that I couldn't deal with the regular upkeep of a serious blog. This one is much more my speed. Update whenever I like, and the only readers are people who know me and hear this shit well before it's posted, in a deep, scholarly baritone. Much easier way to go.
So what's my call on the primaries right now? How about three sentences?
1. I voted for Obama in the MA primary, and have contributed monetarily to his campaign.
2. Were Clinton the nominee, I'd vote for her in a heartbeat, donate if I've got the cash, and would seriously consider working for her in a swing state.
3. I think the numbers are distinctly in Obama's favor, and the sooner the nominating process is done, the better.
I think that about covers it. So on to more relevant matters.
The Sox are in first! After an entire month! No, wait, that always happens. Then they fold right around my birthday. Yeah, that's right. Two World Series wins in four years and I still don't trust the bastards. Old wounds take their time, they do. Still, things look good. Neither the offense nor the pitching is really clicking yet, and they've got a nice lead. I think this bodes well, especially with the way the Yankees' pitching has been throwing fits. As long as the Rays realize they're not quite ready yet, the Sox look pretty good to repeat at least their division title.
That ought to do it for tonight, I think. More tomorrow. Or whenever, since there aren't any readers of this bloody thing anyway.
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