Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hurrah, another blog...

With not enough on my plate this fall, it seems as good a time as any to start forcing myself to write again. I've always lacked even the slightest bit of discipline when it comes to academics or money, but I seem quite able to buckle down when the task at hand is frivolous. So blog writing it is. I'm not quite sure where this one's going to wind up going, although it's a pretty good bet that the bulk of its content will deal with either politics or baseball, with an occasional foray into history or film. Which would make it completely different from at least 2% of all other blogs.

At the very least, the burden of shouting into the rain will fall onto my fingers, rather than my throat. The savings on herbal tea and lozenges (not to mention earplugs for my girlfriend) will, I imagine, be substantial. Tomorrow, actual posting on something vaguely relevant. For now, sleep.

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